The Power of the Hidden

Our unconscious can sabotage us -
let’s turn it into an asset 

My Work

What I do 

I partner with individuals, teams and organizations to deliver real results. By exploring and understanding the unconscious we are able to create lasting change.

I have developed a number of unique tools and frameworks based on my extensive experience, but I am also well-versed in most traditional frameworks, which I use as appropriate. Whether you need a custom solution or would like me to work with your existing systems I will meet you where you are and work in the strictest confidentiality.

Why I do it

I believe the conscious mind is insufficient to create lasting change in individuals and organizations who are already successful. Instead, the unconscious holds the key to transformation. When our unconscious remains unexplored it can sabotage us, leading us to act against our best interests and intentions. These blocks leave us destined to perpetually wrestle with one negative behavior after another without finding the root causes. By harnessing the unconscious we break the cycle and create significant, ongoing change.

How I do it

I create customized engagements with multiple modalities to deliver maximum value for clients. My role is not to 'repair' - none of us are broken - but to diagnose and guide. I combine deep psychoanalytic insight with front-line business experience, with a clinical doctorate in psychoanalysis, an MBA from Harvard Business School, as well as twenty years of experience as a global executive coach. Prior to becoming a coach I held various roles across organizations, including time as a CEO.

Assumptions we are unaware of are the most dangerous we make